5 Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

5 Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

If you want to start your day well, practice these 5 morning rituals that are sure to help you have a magical day.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, most of us just get out of our bed and head straight to work. This habit gradually leads to a monotonous existence, which makes us feel that we’re stuck and not able to make any substantial changes in our lives.

It’s time to change that, and one of the best ways to break up the monotony, and make most out of our day is to follow some morning rituals.

Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

What are morning rituals? 

Morning rituals are simply a combination of small habits, decisions, and actions that we intentionally make in the morning to set a positive and productive tone for the rest of the day.

Every morning, we’ve got a choice to focus our mind to have a brand new, fulfilling and a magical day. Or we can resign ourselves to have another regular and mundane day.

So remember, everything depends on our habits, lifestyle, and mindset. This means we can create morning rituals according to our priorities and values. There are no set rules or we don’t need to copy anyone else’s rituals and routines. Make a morning routine that works for you!

Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

In fact, installing morning habits that suit us the best is an ideal way to end up being joyful for the rest of the day.

However, if you’re struggling with ‘WHERE TO START’, don’t worry.

These are some ideas for some super powerful morning rituals that will surely help you and your mind to get on the right track, and have an immensely successful day.

Five-morning rituals to have a magical day

Don’t look at your phone after waking up

Smartphones have made our lives a lot easier and to imagine a day without one is next to impossible. However, this doesn’t mean that we should start staring at the screen as soon as we wake up.

It’s recommended that we shouldn’t check our phone within one hour of waking up because of a few good reasons:

  • When we wake up and immediately check our phones, we are bombarded with new emails, reminders, messages, and other notifications that often lead to a feeling of stress and anxiety.
  • By checking various social media apps, emails, messages, etc in the morning, we unconsciously let other people’s thoughts, opinions, and advertising enter in our mind. This can pollute your thinking and spoil your mood.
  • Looking at our phone just after waking up means we’re not prioritizing ourselves, or in other words, we’re starting the day distracted. Hence, this will set a tone for a distracted and unproductive day.

So, it’s really important to figure out ways to avoid looking at your phone when you first wake up. A great way to manage this is to put your phone in flight mode before you go to sleep. This way, when you wake up, you aren’t immediately confronted with new notifications and/or messages.

Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

Practice deep breathing exercises

Early morning is the special time of the day. The air is extremely fresh and still, and all of nature is priming for a new day. Our nervous system is also built to respond to the morning time in the same way – ready for renewal.

Start your day with some deep breathing exercises. This allows you to tune into the energy of morning, and the more consciously you do that, the more it’ll help you to set the tone for a better day.

For this one, I’d recommend following a 4-7-8 breathing pattern where you inhale for 4 seconds, then hold the breath for another 7 seconds, and finally, exhale for another 8 seconds. Practice this for just 5-10 minutes in the morning every day to witness some magical shifts.

Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

Include some physical activity

You can choose to go to the gym, do calisthenics, pilates, zumba, yoga, or any other physical activity that suits you. It really doesn’t matter. Keep it simple. And honestly, the most simple activity you can do is just go for a walk. What’s important is that you dedicate a specific amount of time in the morning to move your body.

There are numerous benefits of exercising in the morning such as:

  • Early morning workout sets a tone for a healthier day. This means you’ll be motivated to make healthier choices throughout the day – like taking stairs instead of the elevator, eating less/no processed and fried foods, etc.
  • It improves your focus and concentration during the day.
  • It releases “feel-good” hormones. This will buffer you from feeling stressed and anxious.
  • With morning workout you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. This gives you an optimistic lookout for the rest of the day.

Moreover, remember to eat a hearty and wholesome breakfast after your exercise regime. It’s really important that you don’t skip it or opt for some unhealthy options. (and hint: make sure that breakfast includes protein and a healthy amount of water!)

Morning Rituals For a Magical Day


Yes! You read that correctly.

When you spend some time to visualize a perfect day, a perfect life, or anything that you desire, just after getting out of your bed, you actually activate your brain to attract all the possibilities, conditions, circumstances, and people in your life which will either help or motivate you to achieve your aims.

Isn’t that amazing? But, what if you’re not able to visualize?

It’s fine, you can consider writing your intentions down in your morning journal. This practice is equally powerful.

Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

Practice gratitude

A gratitude ritual instantly shifts your perspective from what you don’t have to what you do have, it allows you to be content, and that’s exactly what you need in the morning to buffer yourselve from feeling stressed.

Think of this daily morning ritual as a tool to become more aware of your subconscious. There are some really simple ways to practice gratitude… one of them is to say affirmations. 

Here are some example affirmations:

  • “I’m thankful for this opportunity to be alive and able to change my day, this is a brand new day, and I’m going to make it an exceptional one”
  • “Today, I choose to be grateful for everything that universe has gifted me”
  • “I’m ready for the challenges that life will present today, and I’ll gratefully receive the lessons that each challenge brings”
  • “I’m grateful, I’m witnessing great things happening to me every day, I focus on positive consequences, and find favorable circumstances attracted to me”

You can borrow this method and affirmations, and tweak it according to your preferences. Alternatively, you can write morning pages in your gratitude journal about the things you’re thankful for in your life.

Bonus tip: Spiritual Practice

If you are a Christian (I am!) or practice another faith, plugging into your faith as part of your morning routine is really important. In addition to practicing gratitude and saying affirmations, easy ways to set your spiritual mindset for the day could include:

  • Daily scripture or daily Bible reading
  • Prayer and meditation
  • Writing out scripture

Morning Rituals For a Magical Day

Now that you know which morning rituals will make your day amazing, check out these posts just for Mom too!


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