Buy Camping Equipment that Goes Beyond the Basics
Buy Camping Equipment that Goes Beyond the Basics
You know you need a tent and sleeping bag, but check out this camping equipment that goes beyond the basics. These camping items will really up your camping game!
Once you start camping it can become slightly addictive and you may find yourself spending a lot of time in camping supply stores. Here you will see how your hobby can quickly become a bit of a money pit. But what camping equipment might you need when you begin to go beyond the basics?
If you love camping, there is plenty of equipment available to purchase that will take you from a regular camper to a true camping fanatic. You will even find that it is possible to recreate some of the comforts of home out at the campground.
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As with any other hobby, there are many, many products you can buy. Whether you want to embrace modern technologies or bring some creature comforts with you on the road, there is a gadget or gizmo to help.
Invest in great clothes
Camping apparel is definitely worth investing in. There are some amazing lightweight materials out there that make carrying enough clothes in your hiking pack a cinch. There are also fabrics that wick water away from the skin, dry speedily when washed, or roll into the tiniest size imaginable.
Don’t overlook the simpler options, such as pants with zip off legs, shirts with zip off sleeves, jackets with a number of layers and undergarments that keep you dry and warm. These have all been developed to give you lots of choices without taking up much space in your backpack.
Good hiking Shoes are a must!
Good, sturdy camping shoes or boots with flexible soles make hiking more pleasant, especially if you’ve got thick or even heated socks to keep your toes warm. We love these hiking shoes sooo much. Great options for kids, women, and men!
A great backpack will save your back–literally
A reliable backpack is a staple of camping equipment. There are now a number of ergonomic models that are scientifically designed to distribute the weight of a pack across the body in the most efficient and least burdensome way. These are worth buying so you can carry everything you need without too much strain on your back.
Buy a pack with convertible or removable compartments so that you can carry only what you need when you need it. Make sure it is weatherproof too so that your belongings stay dry and safe.
Invest in camping tech for even more fun!
Smart technology is some of the more advanced equipment you may be tempted to invest in. Tech has made a huge difference in terms of camping safety and navigation.
You may have internet or cell phone access available at your campground. But if not, buy one of the radios available that can keep you connected to the world, and particularly the weather forecast. There are also gadgets like safety lights that never run out of batteries and can be seen from miles away, and portable GPS systems that will mean that you never lose your way again.
The best cooking gear for camping
One thing you will relish on your next camping trip is one of the new generation of personal or miniature stoves. These stoves can boil water super-fast. Perfect for that cup of coffee to keep you going on a long hike. You can even cook entire meals with an easily carried fuel canister. That means no need to light a fire for every meal.

Always have pure drinking water
Finally, check out the new range of water filtration systems that mean you can get water pretty much wherever you are. You can even use some of them to drink directly from a stream like a supertech straw.
Camping equipment can be expensive, so don’t get too carried away with your new hobby. No-one needs to have all the gadgets, and most of them are very much style over substance. But if a new invention can solve a camping problem you know you have, go ahead and treat yourself!