A Lazy Mom’s Guide To Camping with Kids

A Lazy Mom’s Guide To Camping with Kids

Don’t stress about planning your next camping trip. Check out this lazy mom’s guide to camping with kids so you can retain your sanity and have fun!

Preparing for a camping trip can be a lot of work! There is a lot of planning and execution that goes into a camping trip, especially if you have young kids.

The idea of having to cook and clean up by hand, then still cook and watch the kids while on “vacation” doesn’t really seem like a great time. Here are some tips to help make camping with kids more fun and way easier!

camping with kids

Get out of the Pinterest mindset

Pinterest can sometimes make camping or vacations harder than it has to be! Get out of the Pinterest mindset when you go camping and think about what you really need!

Having a huge list of essential oils to bring can be exhausting to put together! Also, you don’t need to pack all your craft supplies, games, and outdoor toys in order for your kids to actually have fun!

Instead, just stick with what you know you need, and if you need an idea for something then head over to Pinterest for help.

Related: How to have fun camping in the rain.

camping with kids

Don’t make it more complicated than it has to be

When you see campfire cupcakes and pancakes in ketchup bottles, you can start to want to make this a five-star camping experience. There is nothing wrong with the good old fashioned breakfast bars you eat at home or the hot dogs you want to roast over a campfire!

camping with kids

Don’t make things more complicated than it has to be! A campfire pizza might sound amazing! But, if it takes four times the work it might not be worth it!

Related: Keep Those Bugs Away The Next Time You Go Camping!

Don’t feel guilty about “glamorous” campsites

There will always be those people out there who say that having bathrooms or grilling areas in a campsite isn’t real camping. If this means that you can easily wash your hands and you don’t have to avoid stepping in your child’s poop then count me in!

Or, if you want to give your kids a camping experience but the idea of sleeping in the tent makes your back spasm… just camp in a camping cabin! You will still get credit for camping with your kids.. and you might get a decent night of sleep too!

rocky gap state park

If you want to have a camping experience then you can still have one if your campsite has bathrooms! Don’t feel guilty about wanting these little luxuries during your camping experience.

Prepare some meals ahead of time

You know you will need to cook while you are camping. While roasting hot dogs over a campfire are great, this can get old after a while. Prepare some meals ahead of time and make a meal plan.

Include snacks, lunches, and anything else you might need while you are out in the woods. Think about the supplies you have on hand to cook with and try to prepare what you can ahead of time to make things easier.

Camp close to something fun

If you are staying for more than a day or two in the woods, you may want to consider camping near something fun. By something fun, I mean camping next to a zoo, park, or somewhere that isn’t the middle of the woods.

little critter playground

If your kids get bored, or you want to change things up, you don’t have to go home! This can make it easier to entertain your kids, and you’ll still have a great time!

Related: Fun Camping Activities to Do With Your Kids!

I hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to make your next camping trip a breeze!

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