Women Encountering Jesus: So What Does God Really Think About Women?

What does God really think about women? That question is incredibly relevant to 21st century faith and the answer doesn’t just provide clues about the value God places on women, but the value God places on humanity as a whole. Throughout the Women Encountering Jesus Bible Study Lessons Series, we have taken an in-depth look at the way Jesus interacted with women throughout his ministry. Each time the Bible records a woman crossing paths with Jesus, we get a better sense of what our Creator thinks is important. We see what Jesus emphasizes and get more information about what we should focus on as his followers. We witness the way Jesus valued an entire class of people that society considered ‘second class,’ and we can be encouraged by the value he places on our lives.

women encountering jesus bible study lessons

Women Encountering Jesus Bible Study Lessons

There were many lessons to be learned throughout this study. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Jesus notices. It doesn’t matter is you are shunned by society, if you are outcast, downtrodden, persecuted, or ignored. Jesus sees you.

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  • Jesus bestowed great honor on women throughout his ministry. He did not treat women, children, minorities, the poor, or those with disabilities with disdain. He did not treat them like second class citizens. Instead, he consistently elevated, honored, respected, and appointed them for the most special tasks and the greatest honors.
  • When we are in relationship with Jesus, he wants it to transform our lives as well. He will prick our heart for service. He will challenge us to give sacrificially out of our poverty. He urges us to see the problems of the world the way he does– as opportunities to bring people closer to him.

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Ultimately, each encounter Jesus had with women throughout his ministry pointed to one clear conclusion– Jesus loves women. Jesus loves women (and all humanity) with a reckless, sacrificial, complete love that compelled him to hang on a cross and then die for the sins of the world. Jesus didn’t just love us in a spurt of compassion.. but he demonstrated that love for us through every day interactions. He loved us when it was not convenient, when he was tired and grieving, when he was in danger. He was patient and longsuffering. He showed compassion and mercy.

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Jesus loved us the way he wants us to love each other.

Thank you for stopping by and joining me for Women Encountering Jesus. I pray that it uplifted you and motivated you to love and good deeds. I know it has for me!

Thanks and God Bless,

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