How To Create A Weekly Self Care Checklist

How To Create A Weekly Self Care Checklist

If you are looking to take better care of yourself, these are some great tips for how how to create a weekly self care checklist

When it comes to your self-care routine, it’s usually the easy stuff that tends to be overlooked. As a busy mom, I always tell myself I’ll make time for self-care each week, but that rarely makes the list as the week goes on. After all the after-school activities and the stress of daily life, the last thing I want to do is work on myself. Creating a weekly self-care checklist can not only help make sure that you are getting in some self-care each week but help prevent you from feeling burnt out! Here is how to create a weekly self-care checklist.

how to create a weekly self care checklist

Identify the Areas Where You Need Help

A self-care checklist should be something unique to YOU and YOUR lifestyle. It would be best if you made a self-care checklist that focuses on the areas where you need the most help. If you struggle to stay off of your phone, and it’s keeping you plugged in to work at all hours of the night, then a self-care activity should include screen-free time. If you usually go outside for an hour run every day, then you probably don’t need to incorporate outdoor time on your checklist.

how to create a weekly self care checklist


Make it Something Visual

If you want to put this list into practice, make it visual! Have a checkbox or incentive that you can earn by completing your self-care activity. Checking off something from a to-do list gives you a rush and will help encourage you to keep going. A self-care list is no exception to this! The more visual you can make this, the better it will be!

how to create a weekly self care checklist

Give Yourself Options

Instead of creating a rigid self-care routine, consider giving yourself certain activities to choose from each week or even each day. If you are short on time, include something quick that you can do in a few minutes. Make sure also to include if you have more free time at your disposal too. Your options should cover a wide range of areas such as health, time just for you, and ways to eliminate what’s causing you stress.

how to create a weekly self care checklist

Be Realistic

For some, having a full two hour weekly self-care routine might be possible. However, this is not realistic for everyone. When you are creating your weekly self-care checklist, it’s essential to think about how much time you have. Having too many activities that you need to do each week will end up making your self-care routine more stressful.

how to create a weekly self care checklist

Hold Yourself Accountable

To make this checklist work, you need to hold yourself accountable for completing it! If you’re new to self-care, consider adding an incentive such as a small treat from the grocery store or something else motivating to help you stick to it. After you’re more used to this routine, you can cut the incentives if you’d like. The goal is to make sure that you do it.

Related: How Working Moms Can Stay Healthy At Work

A weekly self-care checklist is only the first step to creating a self-care routine. If you want to be able to implement a self-care routine, you have to follow through on this checklist.

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