Blueberry Picking at Larriland Farm
Want to know a not so secret great parenting secret? Fruit picking is one of the easiest and most fun of the Fun Things to Do With Kids, especially younger kids. Picking fruit is a great way to teach kids of all ages (including adult kids) about where food comes from. You get to enjoy some outdoor time together, and once you bring home your pickings, you can make delicious eats with the fruit (or veggies) you pick.
There are so many places to pick fruit in Maryland and Virginia. This summer we checked out Larriland Farm in Woodbine and had a blast picking blueberries (and ok, a few red raspberries too)! Read on to learn more about our experience and what you can expect from blueberry picking at Larriland Farm.
Related: Check out the Kid Friendly Maryland comprehensive resource for parents: Things To Do In Maryland With Kids!
Fun Things to Do With Kids in Maryland: Blueberry Picking at Larriland Farm
It really couldn’t be easier to plan a fruit picking excursion to Larriland Farm. The farm maintains a very informative website that will tell you what fruits or vegetables are in season, and how good the picking is. Typically there are more than one type of fruit and vegetables ready for harvest at any given time. We chose to pick blueberries because they were Sweet Pea’s first fruit love.
Once you pull up to the main parking area of the farm, signs will point you to the picking fields, based on what it is you are picking.
We pulled up next to the berry patches (long rows of berry trees), and there was a checkout stand, which also provided bags for the harvest.
From there, we just crossed the dirt road/path, entered the berry patch, and found a row with succulent looking berries.
Both Sweet Pea and I loved hunting for super ripe, super blue blueberries. We ended up getting a good amount in no time at all.
Of course, I think Sweet Pea (and Minnie Mouse) loved playing hide and seek with me among the blueberry bushes more than she liked actually picking blueberries… but honestly, who wouldn’t?
Once we picked our full, we paid at the checkout stand and then drove back to the main barn. When we drove in, I thought I had spotted flower fields… and sure enough, I had. We picked up a bucket and set of shears from the main barn and set out to pick a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
I think we did ok. Aren’t they beautiful?
The main barn also had plenty of just picked produce, baked goods, and other yummy treats.
I know we will be back. In the fall season, Larriland Farm specializes in authentic hayrides, pumpkin picking, a ‘not-so-spooky’ boo barn, and hay bale maze. Then, the fields close for the winter, opening again in May for strawberries and the parade of yummy produce that will ripen over the course of the summer and fall.
If you decide to check out Larriland Farm (and really, why wouldn’t you?), here are some details you need to know:
2415 Woodbine Road | Woodbine, MD 21797
Check hours on the website, but weekend hours seem to be 9AM-5PM.
Love those SweetPea faces…they prove how wonderful your day picking blueberries was!