Simple Cookie Cutter Heart Painting
Guess what? You don’t have to spend hours and go through a 50-step tutorial to create great arts and crafts projects with your kids! I know, you probably already knew this… but I am just figuring it out! Sweet Pea and I created this sweet and super simple cookie cutter heart painting almost by accident. Isn’t it pretty? Read below to see how we created it (and how easy it is) and check out other ideas for cute Valentine’s Day crafts for kids as well!
Cookie Cutter Heart Crafts for Kids
I originally wanted to create one of the super cute heart trees I have seen all over Pinterest. We started with smooshing brown ink onto cardstock with a sponge… but neither of us were digging it. So, I ditched that idea and decided it would be more fun for the two of us to just fill the paper with hearts.
What you will need:
- White Poster Paper (sized for the size of painting you want to create)
- Cookie cutters in various sizes (we chose three cookies cutters, one of which had a ruffled edge)
- Three colors of washable paint. Since it was a Valentine’s Day craft, I chose red, pink, and purple (of course!)
- Three small paper plates for the paint
How did we make it?
Well, this is almost embarrassingly easy. Since Sweet Pea is only 2 years old, we did one color at a time. I let her do pretty much everything else though. She loved dipping each cookie cutter in the paint and then onto the poster board. The fact that there were three colors kept her attention longer than normal as well (when Sweet Pea loses focus during a painting activity, the paint usually ends up on her legs, arms, and belly).
Towards the end I ‘helped’ Sweet Pea fill in the white space and ‘balanced’ the number of pink, red, and purple hearts. It was fun stamping with her.. and yes, we did end up with some body paint experimenting too. Seriously though, it’s water soluble paint! Nothing about 2 minutes with water and a paper towel won’t clean up.
Total time for this craft? Maybe 15 minutes from set up to clean up. Now that is an art project anyone can squeeze into their busy schedule, right?
I hope you like this project as much as we did!
Thanks for reading!
Check out these other adorable Valentine’s Day craft ideas as well!