Sophie and Madigan’s Playground in Frederick, MD is a spectacular playground with a tragic but heartwarming story. The Lillard family channeled their grief into making something for the community.
In January 2013, the family’s house burned down and two of their three daughters perished in the fire. Sophie Lillard was 6 1/2 years old and her sister Madigan Lillard was 3 years old.
The family received an outpouring of support from the local community and the playground was both a way to give back to the surrounding area, but also honor their little girls.
Fantasy Land is the original playground that opened in April 2021. It is a princess/fairy tale-themed playground.
In front of the castle is an adorable pumpkin carriage play structure where kids can pretend to be Cinderella, as well as an orange spinner.
This part of the playground features play features centered around the Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts, Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, and more!
The Mad Hatter Tea Party is a spinning feature designed to be fully accessible. The People Powered Neverland Carousel is also wheelchair accessible.