Self Care and Mindfulness Journal Printable Pack

Self Care and Mindfulness Journal Printable Pack

Download this self care and mindfulness journal now and start taking care of your emotional health!

As a busy mom, you know it is really important to take care of your emotions. For moms who take care of kids, run the household, and likely work outside the home, self care often is the last thing on your mind. But it is so important if you are to be effective and have any sense of peace. If you don’t, you will lose your temper more easily. Or, you will get overwhelmed or angry. 

A fantastic way for busy moms to practice emotional self care is to pray or meditate. Another fantastic self care option for emotional health is to practice mindfulness. 

This Self Care and Mindfulness Journal Printable Pack is a great way to start taking care of your emotional health. 

Self Care and Mindfulness Journal

What is in the Self Care and Mindfulness Journal Printable PAck?

Self Care BINGO

Who doesn’t like to play a good game of BINGO? With this BINGO the only catch is you will always win… on every turn!

Why? Because each square is a great idea for one actionable step you can take to take care of yourself today. Some of the options cost money and some are FREE. Some options are relatively complicated.. .most are ridiculously easy. 

My favorite options on the list (that are also super easy to do even if you are busy) include:

  • Stretch
  • Start Your Day With Water
  • Write a letter of gratitude
  • Say ‘No’
  • Spend some time coloring
  • Have a solo dance party (ABBA!!!!)

self care and mindfulness journal printable pack

Mindfulness Tracker

The definition of mindfulness varies, but a good working definition is to focus your awareness on the present moment. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations as a way to achieve a greater state of wellness. 

This Mindfulness Tracker will help you do just that. The tracker isn’t complicated and it will encourage you to breathe, savor a cup of coffee or tea (although I am sure hot cocoa would work too), be observant, make a conscious choice. 

And the tracking is just a little check mark. I bet if you are intentional about tracking your mindfulness, after a few days you will absolutely feel more centered, peaceful, and content. 

self care and mindfulness journal printable pack

Self-REflection Journal Prompts

Journaling is such a fantastic way to promote self care. Why not take a few moments and fill this worksheet out? Really think about the types of things you want to eliminate from your life, as well as things you want to add to make your life richer. 

Really think about what is standing in your way. What can you do to help you feel more at peace? 

What are you most proud of? Really think about it and come up with a few things that you are really good at, or decisions you have made that turned out to be really sound. 


self care and mindfulness journal printable pack

Click here to download the printable pack now for FREE!

Check out these self care resources too!

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