How to Limit Screen Time While Your Child is Remote Learning

How to Limit Screen Time While Your Child is Remote Learning

Here are some great ways to limit screen time while your child is remote learning!

We all know that too much screen time can be harmful to our kids. But how much screen time is too much? That question has become especially relevant today, when many of our kids are spending hours a day on the computer while distant learning. If you’re struggling to find a way to limit your child’s screen time while e-learning, don’t worry. These simple tips will help you adjust your child’s screen time limits while they’re remote learning.

limit screen time

What is Screen Time?

There’s constant talk of screen time among parents but you may not understand exactly what qualifies as screen time. Typically, screen time falls into four different categories:

Watching television:

From tuning into their favorite shows on TV to streaming a movie through an online service.

Playing games:

Any game that involves the use of a screen, from games on a gaming console to mobile games.

Social media:

Scrolling through any social media platform, including (but not limited to) Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram.

Reading online content:

From e-books to blogs, any reading that involves looking at a screen.

limit screen time

How to Use Screen Time While Remote Learning

If your kid is remote learning, they’re probably staring at a screen for hours each day. But after they’re finished learning, you probably hear them asking to use their favorite device to do the fun things they like to do, from playing games to watching videos. If you’re concerned about the effects all this screen time is having on your kids, you’re not alone.

Increased screen time can lead to a variety of negative effects, including:

  • Increased chances of childhood obesity
  • Attention problems
  • Screen addition
  • Sleep issues
  • Aggressive behavior

Since your child is likely spending more time in front of a screen during school hours, limiting recreational screen time is essential to prevent those negative effects. So, while your kids are probably begging to use their screens outside of school, taking the time to set boundaries around the use of screen time outside of school is important.

limit screen time

Tips for Limiting Screen Time

To ensure your kids aren’t spending too much time in front of a screen each day, it’s a good idea to set some ground rules when it comes to recreational screen usage. These simple tips can help you create boundaries with your kids when it comes to screen time outside of school hours:

Set screen-free times

Creating screen-free times each day is a simple way to ensure your kids take a break from their screens. Simply set a time period each day where no screens can be used. When that time is up, your kids can use their screens freely.

Set time limits on your kid’s devices

Or you could take an opposite approach and set time limits for your kids. Give your kids a certain amount of recreational screen time each day. When that time is up, they are no longer allowed to use their devices.

limit screen time

Require screen time breaks

Extended use of screens, whether your kids are remote learning or using their devices for fun, can have harmful effects on your kid’s body and mind. To keep your kids safe as they use their devices, make sure to implement required screen time breaks throughout the day. A general rule to follow is to make your kids take a break every 30 minutes of screen time. During those breaks, make sure your kids get up and moving while they’re away from their screen.

Create structure in your day

While your child is working from home, it can be difficult to set a daily schedule. But creating structure in your day is a simple way to help your kids limit their screen time. Schedule a block of time for your kids to dedicate to school work, along with blocks of time for physical activity, time for screen-free fun (like crafts or outdoor play), and time for recreational screen time.

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Track their screen usage

Sometimes, the day slips away from you and you have no idea how much time your kids have spent online. To help you stay on top of the amount of time your kids are spending on their devices, add a time tracking app. The app will help you see how much time your kids are online, allowing you to set realistic limits on their screen usage.

limit screen time

Make your kids earn their time

Another simple way to help limit the amount of time your kids spend online after they’re finished with school is to make them earn the privilege to use their devices. They could earn screen time by doing chores, being nice to their siblings, exercising, or simply justifying the use of the device with a good reason.

kid's screen time more educational

Model good behavior

Kids learn from watching you, so one of the best ways to encourage reduced screen time is to model the behavior yourself. The next time you find yourself mindlessly scrolling on your phone, think twice! Put the phone down and show your kids the importance of being screen free.

Check Out These Back To School Resources Too!

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